Sunday, November 04, 2007

Future of North America

Just like people now go to Florida in February because it is warm; in the future due to global warming people will go to Canada for a "cool down". Of course, in the future Canada, United States and Mexico will all be one country known as the North American Union with one coin the amero replacing the dollar.

Also, with rising sea levels, most of Florida will be under water. Right now the Greenland icecap is melting. This flux of cold ice water shuts down the gulf stream so Europe gets very cold. The former US is hot and dry.

Cheap land in former Canada will cause many people to move there. Many people from India and China will come to the NAU permanent, this causes changes. The Canadian Prairie will be filled with futuristic dome home type houses.

Scooters will be popular as well as tiny microcars known as SPVs - single passenger vehicles.


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