Friday, July 18, 2008

Fun Facts about WALL-E

His cockroach side kick is called "spot". Eve's full name is Probe One Eve - Extrateresrial Vegetation Evaluator. The Global CEO of Buy-n-Large (Hellmart on roids) was Shelby Forthright. The last captain of the axiom who returned to earth was known as Captain Brian McCrea.

The janitor robot that saved both eve and WALL-E was known as M-O (microwave obilterator) or simply "Moe". He screamed when he was cleaning WALL-E of dirt and then WALL-E put his foot on Moe's head. M-O or moe's favorite saying is "Foreign Contaminant ." His job is to clean the ship of all dirt.

The cruise ship couple that are splashing at the pool are Mary and John. They save the cruise ship children from falling objects.

If you stay to the very end you see WALL-E teach people about fire and eve digs a well so they can have water.



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