Thursday, January 29, 2009

Kodak massive layoffs

Kodak shares sink because it will cut 3,500 workers. The economic crisis is affecting all sectors now. Still, I predicted back in 1999 that we were moving from analog film cameras to digital. This process means that Kodak sells less film.

The evolution of the digital camera is an interesting thing. Back in 1999 a digital camera was expensive about $500 and for $5 you could get a film camera in the dollar store that shot pictures that were far superior. Still, I predicted that digital would replace analog. Just like I said that analog videotapes and magnetic media like floppy disks would be replaced by the DVD disk.

You should know that what is coming is a world that is not like now, but quite different. Many people who laughed when I predicted multiterabyte drives now see that the explosion of media makes the hard drive a place to store pictures and movies.



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