Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Time Travel Story of John Titor

The time travel predictions of HDRKiD are very different than the John Titor predictions. For example, instead of a civil war, HDR predicts that there will be an economic crisis that leads to unrest, and also shortages of food and fuel in the future. While some could say that they both lead to the same place, HDRKID also sees a russian invasion and a war, there are big differences in how the world of 2036 looks. Instead of an america with 150 millon people like John Titor says, HDRKID saw the total population of US was at only 5 mil.

John Titor claims to have come to our time in a CE C204 temporal distortion device that uses two tiny black holes. He gave us an account of what life was like in 2036. Describing an agrarian ecotopia based on a community model.

As we get closer to 2036 we will see who is right. Time Tunnel is a time travel television show from the 60's. It is funny to see how people did view the future back then.


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