Monday, December 31, 2007

What in the world?

Toyota has a hybrid pickup truck that looks a lot like a Prius. Yes folks, this TOYota truck looks like a TOY. It looks so fake that it seems made out of plastic, like a - TOY.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

2008 Foecast

Let us see what will happen in 2008. We see Hillary elected president, The pats winning the superbowl, and midest exploding.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Big Controversy

White Nobel Prize Winning scientist says that blacks are less intelligent than whites. No less than James Watson Crick the Father of DNA who discovered the double helix.

This is a big blow to science. The debunkers claim that science is the foundation of their beliefs, well the foundation of my beliefs is God, and He says in the Bible that all men are brothers. We are all sons of Adam. It is science that says that we came from monkeys, God tells us that he created Adam and Eve.