Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Billion dollar baby?

Using genetic engineering, in the future for $100,000 you can get a designer baby. You will be able to get a genetically superior individual with blonde hair, blue eyes, cancer resistance and high intelligence.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

What will soon happen?

Economic collpase audio about what one seer claims will soon happen. Get ready for what will soon take place. The economy is getting worse. You need to get ready.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

How resonance affects ZPE

Zero point energy is tied to resonance which may help explain the strange effects of the HDR.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Blood on the street

There is blood on the street, Wall Street that is, and we face a coming depression if the government does not step in. AIG is in darger, so is Washinton Mutual. WaMu may go under soon, unless the Fed opens its cash window and starts to bail.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Future Hurricanes

Well, we see what happened in Houston. As the level of CO2 goes up the hurricanes will become stronger. Future Hurricanes are going to be truly catastrophic in scale. The important thing is don't panic and stay sharp, We have a long road ahead of us that we must travel before things begin to improve. Be prepared and you will not have as many difficulties in life.

Getting storm windows and storm doors is a good first step. You need to upgrade your house and make it hurricane ready. Also, you should plan to evacuate if the super storm is a category five. Even a concrete block house will be destroyed by such a storm.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

Time Leap anime movie was grand. Glad to talk aboutthis wonderful film.

Online Videos by Veoh.com

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Hulu has movies

You can watch a new movie called "The People That Time Forgot"

Friday, September 05, 2008

How does HDR do its magic?

According to debunkers, the HDR induces an electronic hallucination like a scintillating scotoma that is as real as a heat mirage. Well, we know that electromagnets do not cause hallucinations or visual disturbances. Why, all electric motors have electromagnets in them and generate a powerful magnetic field.

It is easy to debunk the junk of the debumkers. Most of what they say has little or no basis in truth, but is an attempt to smear the HDR.

Still that brings use back to how the HDR does its thing. I believe that scalar waves interact with the HDR star crystal to create an effect.

Thursday, September 04, 2008


Ever wonder what people in the past thought the future would be like? Well, here is a clip of Lost in Space. Back when it was black & white. Back when people still dreams of sailing across the star.