Friday, July 31, 2009

eurozone prices - no increase

Direction and Guidance Concept  photo

In fact, we have in eurozone a price decrease as we enter deflation. Also, on top of that unemployment is spiking to a ten year high.

Still food prices are high. I predict the future price of eggs will be much higher. This is because eggs are the golden standard in food protein. They are easy to assimilate and a staple of the daily diet. Expect as grain prices rise a wave of hardship to hit europe.

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Racist cop

Police car

A racist police officer was fired for making certain comments about Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. as a "banana-eating" and a "bumbling jungle monkey". This is a sad comment on our nation.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Deficit can crush economy


People, our exploding deficit is killing our economy. If we do nothing we will face hyperinflation similar to that of weimar germany, where german citizens would take wheel barrows full of money to the grocery store to buy food. This inflation ended when a man with a mustache was running the country.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Home sales fail

Try to remember, this day they say homes sales are up 11%. Well, not so fast. Homes sales fail inspection. It appears that all is not as it seems, for milk often shall in fact pretent to be cream.

There, now back to our scheduled programming on our severe economic recession. It so happens that our gov thinks that telling us all is well will make our severe recession go away like so much morning fog. Trust me on this one - it won't, and it can't.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

next five years

Newspaper headlines - financial crisis on 2008 photo

OK so many wonder about the future. Here is what one forecaster see in the next five years. In contrast, I see a very grim tomorrow. Prosperity is not around the corner, but rather instead peril. In fact, our economic crisis morphs into financial collapse. Challenges felt by our nation are many, but few understand the depth of what is coming. Aye, few can fathom the dire warnings as more than silly prattle, but a few voices did tell us what was up ahead in the distance. For an american empire, much like for GM, this is the end of the road.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

40 years ago

Old rocket detail

40 years ago Apollo 11 astronauts blasted off in a moon rocket. Well, now we see going to the moon as science fiction. There are no more moon rockets or LEM - lunar exploration modules. World we live in is one of printed circuits, not rocketships.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Harvard prof arrested

Yesterday, a black professor from Harvard university was arrested in his own home. This is more evidence that our country is racist to the core. Because he is so well known, he will not rot in a dirty filthy jail. However please remember that his only crime was being black

Monday, July 20, 2009

Time is running out

Time is running out - quite literally... The new finding of science is that our universe is slowing down like a wind up clock. OK, many will find this strange, but it makes sense that time is not constant. Therefore our slow dance may become even slower in the days to come.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Children in crisis

cute young boy playing with a wooden brench. Happy in the nature photo

During the last great depression, many out of work parents did abandon their children and take off. Already, last year I reported the dog dumping. As jobless joes leave behind their pets in foreclosed homes. This trend does worry me.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

CIT no money

grunge money photo

CIT is running out of green. There is not enough money, so it may be forced to declare chapter 11 bankruptcy. The decline and fall of our financial system is most troubling. Future HDR predictions are of a most sad nature. I see economic ruin - things are very grim.


Friday, July 17, 2009

Time Travellers Wife

There is a new movie out called the Time Travellers Wife. It is a love store that spans the decades. It is true that love is timeless and many of us wonder about the connection of time travel and romance.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

6,000 flu deaths in oz?

Vaccination protection influenza

There could be 6,000 flu deaths this year in Australia due to H1N1 mexican swine flu virus. This is not good news, but it could have been a lot worse.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

OK is Google Chrome OS an MS killer?

Notebook and mobile phone

Could Google Chrome OS kill microsoft windows? That is an interesting question. Please remember that John Titor said that in 2036 Microsoft and Yahoo no longer exist. While that did seem most strange in 2000 when he made the prediction, nearly ten years later we see a world that is vastly different.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Banks refuse to accept CA ious

conceptual photo of business idea photo
Banks are not accepting California ious. This adds another layer of complexity to the situation. People need money and now they are pay in an instrument that is similar to cash, but not the same.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Smoking mad

At one time tobacco was part of native people ceremonial activitives. OK many will remember the peace pipe. State of Florida got rid of tax free smokes on tribal land.
They want to squeeze that last drop out of first nations.

The future of smoking is that laws are passed making it illegal. Funny, how we now look at a movie from the 1950's and see people smoking in an airplane, or an office.


Sunday, July 12, 2009

smoking ban for troops soon?

Military says in next five years a ban on smoking soldiers. This means that we could soon see a world where our troops cannot smoke.

Right now this may seem like science fiction, but our future is quite different than people imagine. Get ready for some major changes in the next few years as the unthinkable becomes common.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

second stimulus for main street?

Typical downtown main street complete with furniture store and movie theater that could be almost any town in the Mid West United States. photo

The first round of money called TARP was to bail out the banks and wall street. Then came a stimulus package for cities. Will a second stimulus help main street?

I believe that the answer is no, because we have rising unemployment and the green shoots are actually brown weed. The whole economy is going to seed.

Friday, July 10, 2009

$20 gal gas?

Oil rig during sunset in Baku, Azerbaijan in Caspian Sea photo
OK are we ready for $20/gallon gasoline? It would mean getting our cars to be a lot more efficient and driving shorter distances. Perhaps we can find more oil in the deep ocean. Converse it would mean most of our money will be spent paying at a pump.

Perhaps we can dump the pump and go with electric transportation, as in electric bicycles and maglev trains. The electric car is both expensive an inefficient.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Google Chome OS

Beautiful young woman working on her laptop photo
John Titor told us that Microsoft and Yahoo did not survive in 2036. OK, now we see Google Chrome OS can grab partners and may soon appear on a new netbook near you.


Wednesday, July 08, 2009

economic crisis worsens

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

gov to limit futures trading

Today our gov announces it will limit oil futures trading to prevent speculation. Well, this means they fear a rise in oil prices.

I can tell you now that we hit peak oil in 2005 and supply of black gold is limited. Expect prices to rise.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Deadly riots in Red China

Racial riots in Red China erupted today as a mostly muslim attached Han Chinese. They feel that they are not allowed to practice their religion. They want to separate from China and form their own country which will be a muslim one.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

green shoots?

Construction Worker Using Cell Phone photoI maintain that green shoots are mostly yellow weeds. Construction rates of new homes are at lowest levels in over 30 years, with little relief in sight. Banks are not loaning money to borrowers for houses that have been built. Number of homeless is increasing at a record rate. The unemployment rate is at a 26 year high and rising.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

What is up ahead the road?

Gold barsI tell people you have to invest with caution. Instead of - cash is king, my mantra is - go for the gold.

That is because cash, as in those little green pieces of paper lost over 90% of their value in the last century. In contrast, gold has retained its value over the centuries. This is because gold is real money.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Banks not loaning money

Banks refuse to loan to small biz. This is a problem since small firms with less than 200 workers are primary employer of 80% of jobs. This grim stat is one more piece of evidence that we are sinking deeper into a major depression. When banks are asked why they claim they have no money. Well, what happens to over one trillion in TARP funds?

Thursday, July 02, 2009

California to issue ious

expenses Day is here when the great state of California must issue ious instead of cash to pay debts. These warrants are a feel for what is coming. How can we balance our budget when states cannot do theirs?

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

GM shut down cost higher than expected

vintage farmtruck abandoned in a field - focus on headlight photo
The costs of shutting down GM factories is much higher than expected. Industrial rust belt was hit hard with GM in bankruptcy. Perhaps we see this as the end of an age.

In fact, our period of time is a very challenging one. There is need for jobs, but companies continue to fail and close up shop. The so called recovery is a false mirage.