star wars psa
This is a funny star wars psa. It still make people laugh even now. Well, I hope you can enjoy.
Labels: star wars
This is a funny star wars psa. It still make people laugh even now. Well, I hope you can enjoy.
Labels: star wars
Here is star trek turkish version. These trashterpieces are awesome. Hey, talk about classic sci-fi cinema. Please enjoy.
Online spending is up 16% and rising. This is due to people trying to save money. Folks, there are lots of deals now. Also, craigslist is taking over. People rare use newspapers anymore.
North Korea fires shoots near Yeonpyeong island again. Folks, this one is serious. What we see is an escalation going on. OK many of us wish to express concern over coming wars.
Labels: North Korea
Cyber Monday offers more options to consumers. There are some people who use this day to save money. Hey, lets go on the net on Cyber Monday and find great deals for us.
Labels: Cyber Monday
Irish fears sink euro. That is the latest happening now. People are starting to worry. Of course, debunkers giggle and say that prosperity is just around the corner. Yeah, of course.
It is the albatross around our neck even. Heavy foreign debt could sink us. Well, my forecast is rain. There is no chance for sun. True, we all want it to be sunny and warm. However, that is not what we see.
OK so many many like to play chance games. Remote viewing lotto is a goal that is common. However, success is rare. RV is at finding lotto numbers like very poor. There are many reason. What you see is happening in an alternate timeline and those different than our own. Also, most people do not understand remote viewing.
Labels: remote viewing lotto
Unemployment benefits are set to expire soon. Folks, this is like terrible news. This money helps the poor. Well, guess what, it is getting cut now. Blame the new congress.
It is my belief that there will be a dramatic rise in gas prices. As a result this will disrupt mail service. Most affected will be rural regions. Farmers will have to drive over to the nearest post office in their area. Delivery of mail shall become prohibitive in coming years.
Labels: mail
Friends, this is just too much for all of us. Hey, we say no more air screening. Basically, enough is enough say me. All these pat downs and feel ups. How much more...
Labels: air
CNN is talking about a moon base in 2069. This would be max. However, we have run out of money. Sadly, no bucks means no BUCK rogers. Yeah, it would be so grand if we could go. Colonizing our neighbor is not near. It is more science fiction than science. Right now, with our economy in shambles, it would be shear lunacy, if you know what I mean.
Labels: moon
Folks, here is more evidence for no recovery. In fact, sears loss widens again. Debunkers can say that everything is fine and that I am a nut case. However, not only do we have a loss at sears. Like, guess what, this loss is increasing. If things were fine then there would be a profit rising. Sadly, we are going deeper into the hole and sinking into the mire.
Labels: sears
Folks, we are FED up. The plumber fixes things, not break them more. OK so please watch this movie. Hey, you do not need a time machine to see our future is grim.
Labels: FED up
I believe in the future wood will replace plastic due to a rise in oil prices. This will make plastic too expensive. As evidence we will see those cheap plastic toys soon made out of wood and other materials that do not cost as much money. Future will see for wood more uses. Other effects of this oil increase I am not sure. Perhaps bicycles will become max pop. John Titor said get a bicycle and that is good advice for us.
Labels: wood
Flea markets are max pop now. There are many reason. First off there are low prices. Also, people get a nostalgia sense. However, people can also sell their old junk and make some money. Got to love those fleas, some anyway.
Labels: fleas
Church seeks more exorcists now. They are fighting fallen angels and their evil minions. There is now a boom in exorcism. I believe that Satan is very real and evil to his bones even. Darkness is at evil's core. There is for exorcism more room than ever.
Labels: exorcism
This just in. Here is the latest news. Yahoo is laying off workers again. Folks, more cuts are coming. People, this is not fun and games. If yahoo the company does not grow, it is game over.
Labels: yahoo
Carnival Splendor is dead in the water now. There was a fire in engine room. Ship is left with out any power. For tourists, this is terrible news. People are in a state of worry. As to what will happen, we are not so sure. Perhaps a towing to san diego or somewhere else to disembark the passenger.
OK as the dollar drops prices of necessary items are soaring. I am talking about food and energy. Already we see gasoline prices rising. Debunkers claim that all is fine, but that is not what we see.
AIG was once the world's largest insurance company. Well, those days are most certainly now over. AIG billions in losses means more bailouts are coming. When shall they repay us. Hey, I am no so sure. Maybe when hell freezes over.
There is much oil damage from the BP spill now. For dying corals it appears oil is cause. What can we say. Still, there is much to answer for by oil men.
Labels: oil
Fort Hood has one year anniversary. Thirteen people are gone. It is so sad to think back on. Hasan is now in front of a grand jury. They are deciding if they should invoke the death penalty in this case.
Hey folks we are sorry. It seems rocket joe was replaced by jobless joes. Fact it we do not have any bases on the moon. Most of the stuff in the stores say MADE IN CHINA and is produced not by industrial robots, but cheap labor from asia.
Sadly, we no longer dream anymore. Those high paying high tech jobs were out source. Fact is the man doing em. He dream of coming to america. Yeah to work in a 7-11 making the minimum wage.
Television is about coverage. Yeah, that is what this is on. What we have on TV is a situation when they constantly bash the tea party and yell racism. Voters are tired of the gov throwing away our money. This has nothing to do with race.
Blekko is a new search engine. It is so nice. Hey, guess some competition is nice. That said, it is a bit late in the game. Of searching it can. However, Blekko surviving is not so sure. Titans can crush it and it could fade out like cuil, clusty, and so many more. We will see on its promise. Slashtag tech is very new. Could it be that they keep out the spam.
Labels: Blekko
Dollar falls in busy week due to FED easing. This Monday, the dollar fell to a 15 year low against the yen. Folks, this dollar detruction is so scary. What we see is inflation at the grocery. However, deflation in wages. Politicians will get on Tuesday their wake up. Dumber than dog dirt debunkers however, say that everything is fine, and I am crazy.
Labels: dollar