Wednesday, October 09, 2013

green peace

Hey, more trouble for green peace. The russians say the found opium. Well, this is no surprise. Drama keeps on getting better in this one. Looks like an after noon soap opera.

Saturday, October 05, 2013

2015 versus 2012 HDR comparison

Here is a 2015 versus 2012 HDR comparison. Look at both HDR units that were built by Steven Gibbs for me. Differences are minor. Few that are important to us. Mostly, they are in cosmetic appearance. Still, plan to do more test on my HDR soon.

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Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Blade Runner 2

Blade Runner 2 is coming. It is going to be out next year. Well, this was an excellent sci-fi movie. Hard to imagine a second one. Yeah, that would be pure awesomeness.