Saturday, April 07, 2018

Trump Tower

Trump Tower is on fire yo. I believe this is scary. Do hope they contain the fire soon. Just what is going on?

Thursday, April 05, 2018


Question for you. Why do people fear a tiny little mouse? That is a mystery to me. Could be that you have an answer. Most do not eat a lot and they do not make a lot of noise.

Night reading

Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Violence rise

Violence rise is woe. There is an entire process. Right now, people are sifting through data and trying to find some reasons. Find it in you to make our world improve. Hey, being so wary is wise.

Warmoesstraat - Haarlem, The Netherlands

Sunday, April 01, 2018


Look at this museum. Just what do you see? Books from wall to the wall to fill the empty space. All those volumes that no one ever opens.

Palacio de invierno, Museo del Hermitage.