Tuesday, June 30, 2009

where is Yao now?

Basketball On The Court
Yao Ming was a sensation, the first Chinese basketball player to become a worldwide star. Sad news, Yao Ming may never play basketball again due to foot injury. Why is this important?

OK using remote viewing it is possible to see the outcome of many medical treatments and to view if any will bring him around. In fact, you can look at many possible future and see which one has the best outcome.


Monday, June 29, 2009

Minding Mister Market

Analysts claim that the stock market is getting better - with green shoots and an economic recovery. However, the truth is that sales are falling and people are losing their jobs.

OK now we need to compare apples to apples. Back in 1987 the stock market fell and later did recover. It was a scary moment, but we did not have major big biz, like GM going under, or AIG needing over 100 billion in bailouts.

Please compare now to the great depression. States are running out of money. Look at California, this situation is strangely similar to what too place during the 1930's great depression when teachers were not paid because states had no money.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

North Korea threatens nukes

Today, Kingdom of North Korea threatened to use nuclear weapons against other countries. It said it would use a nuclear fire shower.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

crisis in cali

Bankruptcy looms as California has a 24 billion dollar shortfall. Efforts to conserve money are proving difficult. Governor Arnold is trying to find new ways to cut back spending. The state may soon issue an iou.
Cold Hard Cash

Friday, June 26, 2009

Future jobs may become scarce

Obama wants to give amnesty to illegal aliens. This means more mexicans crossing the border and less jobs for americans. Not sure how this will work, if we have so few jobs. This could lead to riots as people lose jobs to illegals, one big problem is loss of jobs in our economic recession.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Giant Prehistoric Elephant Found

Hey, guess we can call him super jumbo. A giant prehistoric elephant has been found. This is interesting news. He was found in indonesia.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Decline of Dollar

Symbol, Dollar jeopardizedAs people cut spending, the want to save dollars. However, the dollar itself is in trouble. The decline of the dollar is causing people to shift assets to gold and other precious metals. Price of silver is up over 30% this year.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

After the war

Abandoned Nuclear power station
Hey, ever wonder what the world will look like after WWIII? These images of Salton Sea give you an idea. It is a place of utter desolation. At times it seems more lonely than a ghost town.

I see a rebirth, for the future after war. This could make our world a better place. That is, if we learn to live together without war.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Wall Street in trouble

OK we are going to come from a deflation to inflation. All those green pieces of paper mean the dollar will drop in value. Expect Wall Street to tumble as the economic crisis gets worse.

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

What to invest in

Financial data
What can we expect in days to come? OK so real estate is still falling, but I believe companies that make security systems and burglar alarms may have a bright future. The reason is crime usually goes up in a severe recession. Also, there is a push for computer security, this could be a bright spot in days to come.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

What Jobs, What Future?

You can't repair a diesel engine over an internet connection. You can however fix a database. Therefore, the pay for a DBA or Database Analyst will decline in years to come. Those humble blue collar jobs like plumber which pays over $100/hr here will still be around in the future.

However, the same cannot be said for the high tech high paying jobs we were once promise. Due to OUTsourcing, many are OUT of a job. The value of an advanced college degree is much less now. Future crime will be much higher than now. In fact, in days ahead many low pay low skill jobs will be performed by robots and machines.

Friday, June 19, 2009

new flu

There has been a mutation in the mexican swine flu. The new flu is more powerful. It targets the young and over 100,000 cases in US alone. This flu is not going away as people predicted. It is now evolving into a more potent strain of H1N1 virus. Hospitals are getting full.

I predict that we are not out of the forest - not by a long shot. Right now a new novel strain of swine flu appear in Brazil...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Robots in Future

They always say that in the future there will be robots. Well, there are robots now, but it is not as in your face. Think of an ATM machine instead of a bank teller. Also, witness how now at the gasoline station you can pay using a credit card and never be near a person.

CarlosX Robot Repairman says that in the future, many jobs such as bar waitress are perform by androids that look like people. Artificial intelligence and neural networks become far more powerful in the futuristic tomorrow. These artificial persons as the machines prefer to be called are woven into the very fabric of future society.

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

weed seed

Instead of green shoots, I see weed going to seed. The growing problems are that weeds crowd out the green shoots. OK in a competition for light, soil, and water, weeds prove to be more hardy.

Calculating how we will get out of our current recession is a war. That worked back in the 30's and can work again. Perhaps, people will realize this before thaings get really tragic.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

corn crop

corn field

Right now there should be a healthy corn crop on a farmers field. Instead many farmers did not plant their crop. These former corn fields lie full of weeds, abandoned and empty, as if forgotten by time. What we should know is that this is a consequence of our severe economic crisis. Banks are unwilling to lend money to farmers to buy seed and fertilizer, and our lands languish.

Here is a cornless corn field. Nothing has been planted as of June - now too late to plant.

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Monday, June 15, 2009

History of time machines

Macrophoto of mechanical watch
The history of the time machines is very interesting. First we cannot get a clear picture of who invented the 1st machine, but it is believed to be Tesla. He had a lot of his work remove after his passing on.

Al Bielek says that Tesla was a consultant on the Philadelphia Experiment. Not sure of what he knew at that time.

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Sunday, June 14, 2009

UN sanctions NK

United Nations Flags
UN imposes tough new sanctions on North Korea in an attempt to get them to stop developing WMD. This is a major problem that people across our planet face. Allowing a rouge regime to terrify our citizens with atomic weapons should not be permitted.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

running out of time

Time is running out for our oceans. Tons of trash in the Pacific Gyre have made this a floating trash heap. It is oceanfill, a landfill on water.

Here is one high school student that has a way to solve the problem. By using paper instead of plastic we can use less fossil fuels since paper comes from trees and is a renewable resource, also paper is biodegradable and will rot without forming huge piles of floating garbage in our oceans.

Friday, June 12, 2009

What is a witness well for?

Classic radio
Notice that many radionics machines contain a witness well. The purpose of this pocket is to store a sample. It is the sample that is used to set the correct frequency. Think of it as tuning your radio.

Try as you may, the adjusting process takes time. Adjusting the knobs of your radionics machine makes the unit vibrate at the frequency of the sample inside the witness well.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Peak oil is real

Peak oil is that proverbial elephant in the living room that all ignore - at their own peril I might add. People in the future will look at our world and marvel at the abundance of natural resources. In fact, many will question that the giant highways and millions of cars ever were.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Five Euro
Bankster of america the perennial powerhouse is now in the poor house, and congress claims we are on a path to economic recovery, REALLY? Hey, wanna buy a bridge?

OK so guess what, yet another truck load of economic crisis is rolling down our way. True, we can blame the banksters for the mortgage meltdown, but was is coming is worse. The reason is that a new asian economic crisis is coming.

Most of asia sells to the US, but our economy is toast. Also, the green pieces of paper they currently hold will soon be worthless. This means they will go into a downward spiral.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

How does a dimensional doorway work?

This short clip explains in simple fashion how a dimensional doorway works. It is not as interesting as you might imagine.


germany in woe

The jobless queues are on increase as global demand remains abysmal for german products. Talk of recovery in a severe economy recession is now about the downward descent slowing down. German exports have tumbled. The economic engine of europe is sputtering.

Monday, June 08, 2009


Morning time
The landscape of time, what a concept. Truly, it makes one wonder about our now. CarlosX Timejump Journal has the latest jumps in the 4th dimension. Please remember that these explorations in the timescape are to alternate timelines.


Sunday, June 07, 2009

crisis in innovation

The failed promise of innovation and hypertechnology is being felt by us now. I ask you this - why is it that we were going to the moon in 1969, but in 2009 we talk about space as if it were sci-fi fantasy?

Could it be that the rate of technology is slowing down? It might make you wonder what would have been possible if we have move ahead at a high rate of speed. In fact, using RV or Remote Viewing we see that we are in a severe recession with little money spent on R&D. This put the brakes on innovation.

It could be that in the future we will have a factoryversity which is a hybrid of a university and a factory to produce high end products. Finally, we will start to move on.

Friday, June 05, 2009

When did people say GM might go under?

Laid off- Angry

Back as early as 2005, many trader saw that GM was going to fail. The debunkers were laughing at the thought of the Titan of automotive going down, but smart money migrated out of GM and out of US markets.

GM’s bankruptcy
GM’s bankruptcy

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Bankruptcy filings rise

Grunge bank vault
What we are facing is a nation going under. Bankruptcy filings rise as more people lose jobs, and are unable to pay their bills on time. This year unemployment shall go over 10%. Instead of giving billions to the bankrupt bankers, our gov might have helped citizens in trouble.


Wednesday, June 03, 2009

What is time II?

Antique clocks It is interesting that in our era we see time as a thing that can be measured with a clock, contrawise, my view is that time is a wave. Much like a coil of wire and a magnet in a loud speaker can create sound waves, I believe that a coil of wire and a magnet can create time waves.

Steven Gibbs time machines are experiments in the possibility of travel in the 4th dimension. Perhaps in the future we will see him for who he really is.


Monday, June 01, 2009

GM gone

HummerGM maker of an iconic Hummer went from 50% of US sales to less than 20%. A sad today as GM filed for bankruptcy protection under chapter 11. Although some cars in the future may carry that name plate, the industrial titan as in TITANIC is gone.
